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God Gave Me Vision Learn to Receive the True Abundance of God Digital eBook

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By Jessie Bowen's "God Give Me Vision"

Learn to Receive the True Abundance of God

Do you ever feel as if you've forgotten something when you wake up? Perhaps it's all the things you've always wanted to do, be, and have in your life? Or are you at a crossroads in your life, knowing that bigger things await you and you're looking for a path to get there? God has already given you a vision that is in line with his plan for your existence on this evolutionary planet. Every second, the world changes, and every second, your life changes. So, right now, ask yourself, "Am I living in God's purpose?".

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish

By improving your ability to see doors of opportunity and the intuition to walk through them, you may transform your fear into faith. However, faith alone will not disclose your ultimate calling. You must take action in order to reach the goal you've set for yourself. James 2:14-26 NKJV - Faith Without Works Is Dead-For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

This book walks you through how to get a better understanding of your goals and how to increase your spiritual relationship with God by using visualization, prayer, and meditation.

Spiritual growth, living under Christ's guidance, believing God's promises to you, developing vision, intuition for God's discernment in your life, and living with a servant's heart are the five fundamental components of your Christian walk that you will learn about in this book.

Whether you believe in God or not, you must feel in your heart that there is a greater power than yourself and that each day does not begin and finish on its own. Through the pages in this book, you will learn how you can use vision, meditation, intuitive knowledge, and other methods to find your inner spiritual connection to God.

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God Gave Me Vision Learn to Receive the True Abundance of God Digital eBook
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